High Voltage Inc PFT-503CM 50kV AC Hipot Test Set

High Voltage Inc PFT-503CM 50kV AC Hipot Test Set

Product Code HIV,PFT503


Single, portable (34kg) unit suited for testing overhead apparatus, vacuum bottles and interrupters, switch gear, bus duct, motorized vacuum switches, reclosers, bushings, fuses and arrestors, linemans safety products, small transformers, electrical components and motors. This 3kVA model features capacitive load compensation enabling full load testing with a power draw of 1.5kVA while operating from a conventional line input. 60mA output current capability.

Additional information

Weight 49.8 kg
Dimensions 64 × 38 × 47 cm
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**Heavy Item**

** Caution this piece of equipment is classed as HEAVY. It will require multiple people or possibly machinery to lift. **

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Oil, Hipot & VLF Testers above 20kV

Rent High Voltage Inc PFT-503CM 50kV AC Hipot Test Set

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