OMICRON CMC 356 Advanced Protection Relay Test Set

OMICRON CMC 356 Advanced Protection Relay Test Set

Product Code OMI,CMC356


Protection relay test set with six current sources (6 x 32A/430VA, 3 x 64A/860VA or 1 x 128A/1000VA), four voltage outputs (4 x 300V or 1 x 600V), 4 x binary outputs, 10 x multifunctional binary inputs (dry/wet) and Generator Combination Cable for wiring convenience. The six current and four voltage output channels are continuously and independently adjustable in amplitude, phase and frequency. All outputs overload and short-circuit proof. Laptop included, preloaded with Test Universe software (Advanced Protection + Transducer). Optional accessories: OMI,CMA156-6PCA OMI,C-PROBE1 OMI,CMGPS

Additional information

Weight 35.1 kg
Dimensions 62 × 55 × 41 cm

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**Heavy Item**

** Caution this piece of equipment is classed as HEAVY. It will require multiple people or possibly machinery to lift. **

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Protection Relay Testing Systems

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