Testo 350 Flue Gas Analyser

Testo 350 Flue Gas Analyser

Product Code TES,350


Testo 350 Flue gas analyser with built in Peltier gas preparation (chiller). Measures O2, CO, NO, NO2, and SO2 concentrations. Calculates CO2 concentration. Ranges: O2 0-25% vol, CO with H2 compensation 0-10000 ppm, NO 0-4000 ppm, NO2 0-500 ppm, SO2 0-5,000 ppm, Comes 0600 7555 Engine probe with temperature up to +1,000 deg C. easy emission software. Battery and AC mains operation.

Additional information

Weight 11.5 kg
Dimensions 58 × 48 × 22 cm

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Product Tag

Combustion, Flue & Industrial Gas Analy

Rent Testo 350 Flue Gas Analyser

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