Omicron Dirana Transformer Insulation Moisture Analyzer

Omicron Dirana Transformer Insulation Moisture Analyzer

Product Code OMI,DIRANA


The OMICRON DIRANA provides accurate and reliable condition assessment of insulation in power transformers, paper-mass insulated cables, bushings, and instrument transformers (CTs/PTs). The DIRANA utilises Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) to determine the moisture content of oil-paper insulated power and instrument transformers.


• Non-invasive measurement process

• FDS and PDC+ algorithm for fast testing

• Results defined by IEC 60422

• Comes with laptop featuring pre-loaded software

Additional information

Weight 30.3 kg
Dimensions 62 × 48 × 44 cm

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**Heavy Item**

** Caution this piece of equipment is classed as HEAVY. It will require multiple people or possibly machinery to lift. **

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Transformer Testers

Rent Omicron Dirana Transformer Insulation Moisture Analyzer

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