Megger Torkel 950 battery discharge tester

Megger Torkel 950 battery discharge tester

Product Code MEG,TOR950


Battery discharge load unit. Works with 7.5V to 500V battery systems and can discharge at up to 220A (15kW maximum power). It can be programmed for constant current, constant power, constant resistance or user defined load profiles. The kit includes a 200ADC current clamp allows on-load testing. Tests are controlled by a built in PC and results can be copied to a USB memory stick.

Additional information

Weight 41 kg
Dimensions 80 × 40 × 51 cm

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**Heavy Item**

** Caution this piece of equipment is classed as HEAVY. It will require multiple people or possibly machinery to lift. **

Product Tag

Battery Management Systems

Rent Megger Torkel 950 battery discharge tester

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