General Dynamics R8000B Communications Analyser

General Dynamics R8000B Communications Analyser

Product Code GD,R8000B


The General Dynamics R8000B (now produced by Freedom Communication Technologies) is a compact communication system analyser which is designed to monitor and service radio communications equipment. It also generates and receives signals and measures modulation and frequency. The R8000B performs a variety of tests on AM, FM, PM, and optional digital standards P25, DMR, NXDN, and TETRA radio transceivers.

The R8000B is a full-featured instrument which acts as a spectrum analyser, signal generator, sensitive measurement receiver, oscilloscope, and much more. With high spectral purity, it is a lightweight and truly portable solution to effective communications system analysis.


• Frequency range 250 kHz to 1 GHz

• 50 W 5 min, 150 W max

• Less than 6.4 kg and has an 8.4′ colour LCD screen

• DANL is -140 dBm (50 Ohm input termination)

Additional information

Weight 21 kg
Dimensions 61 × 51 × 41 cm
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Communication Test Sets

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